Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our little BATMAN

I wanted to share a few pictures before we go on our trip to Copán with my in-laws. I know it has been a while since I posted anything, but here are a few pics of our beautiful boy and of course our family. We are so excited we are having family over from the U.S. We really miss our family and our friends.
On Thursday the 25th is going to be Isaac's b-day and he is turning two, oh yeah he is a little grown man now and very smart, I think too smart.
I will post some pictures and videos when we come back from our trip. I know we are going to have lots of fun. Byyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our little BATMAN

He likes to get into everything.

1 comment:

Lovely Lisa said...

Those pictures are way cute! I'm glad you are doing well and that you've got family coming to see you.

I can't believe Isaac is 2. I remember when you were pregnant with him! Ah, how times flies.